Plastic and vascular surgery
Our operating theatre is equipped for the performance of all plastic and vascular surgery operations, which are performed with local anaesthetic, under sedation or in deep anaesthesia, within the framework of one-day surgery. Over the past fifteen years our clinic has established, and successfully applied in practice, a number of laser dermatology solutions, and we have made it our mission to introduce the most advanced laser plastic surgery and vascular surgery laser interventions. Through the ideal co-operation of our specialist clinicians, we are able to offer all the treatments of these three professional disciplines in combination: a service unique in Hungary.
MoreThe reduction of the quantity of adipose tissues using laser light on the problem parts of the body is an advanced solution. During the LaserContouring intervention, for which we use a Smartlipo Triplex laser, the laser light melts the superfluous adipose tissue, which can then be easily removed with advanced vibration liposuction. A further advance of the laser over traditional liposuction is that as the laser targets its heat at the subcutaneous fibres which has a considerable tightening effect and therefore the skin sinks much less; making skin excision unnecessary and avoiding ugly scars.
The Cellulaze minimal invasive laser intervention has revolutionised cellulite treatment. The ugly lumps and holes can be smoothed with laser light, transmitted through an optical fibre inserted under the skin.
The SmartLifting treatment is an advanced alternative to the classic face lift. The fine optical fibre, which is lead from the region below the ear through a tiny incision, emits laser light that melts the adipose tissue and thereby reduces the excess volume of the double chin and the lower face. With the tissue tightening effect of the laser, the drooping of the double chin and the lower face can be reduced significantly without any tissue excision or unsightly operation scars.
The deactivation of sweat glands in the armpit with PrecisonTx laser is a new solution. In the course of the NoMoreSweat treatment, an optical fibre inserted under the skin of the armpit destroys the overactive sweat glands and ends the armpit perspiration which leaves sweaty patches on the clothes.
During vein intravascular treatment, we use an optical fibre inserted into the blood vessel to treat the trunk varicose veins of the lower limbs. The fine, light conducting fibre takes the laser light to the wall of the blood vessel and heats it up from the inside, making the walls stick together and solving excessive blood vessel dilation without an invasive varicose vein operation.
In addition to the laser treatment, the greatest interest is in plastic surgery on the upper and lower eyelids (Eyelid Surgery), and in surgical improvement of the aesthetic appearance of the breasts and the intimate region (Breast Surgery, Intimate Surgery).
Intim Surgery
Ambulant surgery which improves the aesthetic look of the female external genitals.
Vein Intravascular
Blockage of the trunk varicose veins of the lower limbs (vena saphena) with a laser optical fibre inserted into the blood vessel.
Naevus Surgery
Surgical excision of ugly or suspicious birthmarks and skin tumours in compliance with plastic surgery requirements
Minimally invasive intervention against excess sweat in the armpit, with minimum recovery period